Collexia EnDO - Products | Collexia Payments (Pty) Ltd - Beyond Payments

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Collexia EnDO

What is Enhanced Debit Orders (EnDO)?

EnDO is a real-time, interoperable, upgraded collection procedure that replaced the previous, one-dimensional debit order solution. This paves the way for credit tracking for cross-bank collections if money isn't immediately available. Creditors and debtors alike will reap the benefits of Namibia's innovative approach to repayments.

Why you should choose Collexia



Real-time reporting enables you to keep tabs on all your payments and instantly determine which of your clients have not paid you yet and which are still in tracking.



The needs of our customers come first in all we do. Our quick onboarding process for new customers and fast response times to queries are just two examples. Collexia has comprehensive disaster recovery (DR) capacity and a 100% uptime record, so you can rest easy knowing we won't be an additional source of stress in your life.



In addition to our low prices, we also provide free training to all new customers and never charge extra for payment failures. And with instantaneous bank account settlement, we make sure that your money is put to good use expanding your company.



Use our user-friendly website portal whenever, wherever, on any device.

Additionally, your business's existing systems can be integrated, and a multi-user structure can be established if necessary.



Payments for the future or the current day can be loaded, and instructions can be canceled or changed up until the Action date -1. Furthermore, you can create a variety of scheduling choices, such as "Last Friday," "Rule-based," etc. With the help of our local support team, we can coordinate our efforts to increase your chances of success.

Improve cash conversion to boost sales.

Our Achievements

Since 2020, we have expanded our clientele to include over a hundred merchants, settling hundreds of millions in value, and that number continues to grow.

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merchants and growing
transactions in 2023
collected in 2023
in customer service

To become a globally recognized brand, on the forefront of digital payments solutions, that is accessible to all.

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